Sunday, 2 October 2011

What we've been up to!

We are discovering how much fun school can be!

We develop our social skills early on as we are always surrounded by friends!

We learned about binomial and trinomial cubes. We practiced putting them back together- we worked very hard!

We sang our favourite songs, which always brings a smile!

We practiced keeping the beat.

We strengthened our fine motor skills using practical life activities.

We practiced creating and identifying patterns.

We even drew some of our own. We left spaces blank and had a partner fill in the missing pieces.

One of our friends drew different animal prints to create a pattern.

We LOVED our snack: smoothies! Delicious!

We changed the leaves on our tree for the new season!

We are very proud of our work!
We read quite a few books this week, as always! It's one of our favourite parts of the day.

We enjoyed a beautiful, cool morning outside. We observed the leaves changing and falling on our giant tree!

We played in the playhouse. We even practiced our social graces in play! We greeted each other at the door and welcomed our friends into our "home".

We love being outside!

We discovered our tree is shedding more than just leaves! Pods are also falling from the tree. One boy decided to use his imagination and use them as toy cars.

We took turns and practiced our driving skills.

We formed environmental words and found them in our classroom!

We went on a nature walk and discovered some very interesting things! We brought them back with us to observe. We took turns using our senses to make and record observations.

Under magnification we discovered it looked like "salad", "a maze" and a "nut for squirrels".
We thought it smelled like "salad" "trees" and "bathtub stuff". We thought that it might be a "nut" or a "seed" or "salad for squirrels".

We really enjoyed working together to find our treasures.

We discovered our class plants are growing rapidly. One of our plans grew a bean and so we picked it and compared it to dried beans we found in our art cabinet. Then, we wondered what would happen if we planted our bean! We wondered if a bean and a seed are the same thing. We borrowed some soil from another plant and planted our bean in our indoor classroom garden.
We noticed our bean had a similar shape and size. The colour was different, but some of us believed it was because the others had dried out. We are going to do an experiment to discover the answer later this week!

This is the pod our bean was originally in.

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